The Effective Executive
The core insight of this book is that “being effective is a skill and it can be learned”. Here, I’ve collected some of the nuggets of wisdom from this timeless classic.

You can learn to be effective.
Ask what needs to be done.
Always do what needs to be done, and not what you want to do.
Ensure that the right things are getting done.
Take an objective look at the overall needs of the business and identify where your contribution has the most effect.
Develop effective systems, practices, habits, and routines
All you have to do is perform small, daily activities. These compound over time to make you a competent, effective executive.
Manage your time.
Know where your time goes.
Track your time every day.
Ask yourself, “Is this the most effective use of my time?”
Focus on results.
Gear your efforts towards results along with the work.
Measurements are the key to tracking results.
Build on strengths.
Make effective use of your strengths.
Learn from other people’s strengths.
Focus on opportunities.
Write an action plan.
Knowledge is useless until it has been translated into habits and actions.
Plan your course before taking action and revise it as you go along.
Put first things first.
Do important things first and do one thing at a time.
The more you can concentrate time, effort, and resources, the greater the quality and quantity of activities you can do.
Take responsibility for communicating.
Communicate effectively with yourself and with others.
Demand more of yourself.
You grow according to the demands you make on yourself.
If you demand little of yourself, you will remain stunted.